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1) 跨膜糖蛋白转录因子Nrf1之抗氧化保护 的细胞核膜生物学功能与生化机制;2) Nrf1跨膜拓扑学与基因调控在所致的非酒精性脂肪性肝炎恶化为肝癌中的分子病理生理学机制;3)紫外线诱导的皮肤癌变之细胞信号传导的网络调控机制;4) 癌变分子病理学与宿主分子免疫保护、化学预防。


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  • 姓名:张义国
  • 目前身份:
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  • 研究兴趣:1) 跨膜糖蛋白转录因子Nrf1之抗氧化保护 的细胞核膜生物学功能与生化机制;2) Nrf1跨膜拓扑学与基因调控在所致的非酒精性脂肪性肝炎恶化为肝癌中的分子病理生理学机制;3)紫外线诱导的皮肤癌变之细胞信号传导的网络调控机制;4) 癌变分子病理学与宿主分子免疫保护、化学预防。

张义国 博士 教授


欢迎: 有理学、生物、或医学背景的学生及青年科技爱好者,申报硕士、博士、博士后,从事真正科学研究: 细胞生化, 癌症基因调控, 以及拓扑生物学.,探索科学真谛。请联系:Email: yiguozhang@cqu.edu.cn ; y.z.zhang@dundee.ac.uk



2010.07-现在:重庆大学 (与三军医大) 生物医学工程联合学院教授。


2006.10-2010: 郑州大学生物工程系兼职教授;

2003.05-2007.12: 英国Dundee大学生物医学研究所高级研究专员(Senior Scientific Officer) , 同期在职攻读细胞生化的哲学博士。

2007 被选为英国皇家医学会会士(FRSMed)。

1999.07-2003.04: 美国明尼苏达(Minnesota)大学Hormel研究所Fellow;

1995.07-1999.06: 河南医科大学病理生理学讲师;

1992.09-1995.06: 河南医科大学病理生理学硕士研究生

1984.08-1992.08: 铁道部四局医院基层住院医师、主治医师。



1995年获河南医科大学医学硕士后留校即任讲师,从事单克隆抗体及抗癌疫苗制备和应用研究。1998-2003年间,于美国明尼苏达(Minnesota)大学,率先研究A类紫外线(UVA)诱导癌变与细胞信号传导网络的分子机理。之后,在英国丹迪(Dundee)大学获细胞生化的哲学博士 (PhD),留校做CO-PI研究员, 开创了核膜转录因子Nrf1及基因调控与癌变的机制研究。2007年被选为英国皇家医学协会Fellow。曾任郑州大学生物工程系教授,现任重庆大学生物医学联合学院教授。共发表90 多项出版物,其中65篇研究论文,多数发表于生物化学(JBC, BJ)和癌症(Cancer Research,Oncogene,Carcinogenesis),及 等一流专业研究期刊上。被SCI他引近2000次,H-指数20分。英文简介( ).





近期研究论文 (*corresponding author), 如下:


Yiguo Zhang*, Shaojun Li, Yuancai Xiang, Lu Qiu, Huakan Zhao, John D. Hayes (2015. The selective post-translational processing of transcription factor Nrf1 yields distinct isoforms that dictate its ability to differentially regulate gene expression. Scientific Reports_Nature.com. 2015 Aug 13; 5:12983, 1-30. doi: 10.1038/srep12983.  


Chen J, Liu X, Lü F, Liu X, Ru Y, Ren Y, Yao L, Zhang Yiguo* (2015) .Transcription factor Nrf1 is negatively regulated by its O-GlcNAcylation status. FEBS Lett. 2015 Aug 19;589(18):2347-58. doi: 10.1016/j.febslet.2015.07.030. Epub 2015 Jul 29.




      Michelle A Schultz, Sharika S HaganAmrita Datta  Yiguo ZhangMichael L FreemanSuresh C SikkaAsim B Abdel-MageedDebasis Mondal (2014)   Nrf1 and Nrf2 transcription factors regulate androgen receptor transactivation in prostate cancer cells.PLoS One. 2014 Jan 22;9(1):e87204. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0087204.


      Yiguo Zhang*, Hayes JD (2013) The membrane-topogenic vectorial behaviour of Nrf1 controls its post-translational modification and transactivation activity. Sci Rep._Nature.com 3:2006 (1-16). doi: 10.1038/srep02006.       


H Xiao, F Lü, D Stewart, Yiguo Zhang* (2013) Mechanisms underlying chemopreventive effects of lavonoids via multiple signaling nodes within Nrf2-ARE and AhR-XRE gene regulatory networks. Current Chemical Biology 7 (2): 151-176



    Chowdhry S, Yiguo Zhang, McMahon M, Sutherland C, Cuadrado A, Hayes JD (2012-2013) .Nrf2 is controlled by two distinct β-TrCP recognition motifs in its Neh6 domain, one of which can be modulated by GSK-3 activity. Oncogene. 2013 Aug 8;32(32):3765-81. Epub 2012 Sep 10. doi:10.1038/onc.2012. 388. PMID:22964642


     Julia Li Zhong, Li Yang, Fenglin Lü, Han Xiao, Feifei Tian, Feng Zhu, and YIGUO ZHANG* (2011) UVA, UVB and UVC induce differential response signaling pathways converged on the eIF2a phosphorylation. Photochem. & Photobiol. 87, 1092-1104.


     Yongjun Wu, Yiming Wu, Jiang Wang, Zhen Yan, Lingbo Qu, Bingren Xiang and YIGUO ZHANG (2011) An optimal tumor marker group-coupled artificial neural network for diagnosis of lung cancer. Expert Systems with Applications 38, 11329-11334.


     YIGUO ZHANG* and John D. Hayes (2010). Identification of topological determinants in the N-terminal domain of transcription factor Nrf1 that control its orientation in the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. Biochem. J430, 497-510.


     YIGUO ZHANG* (2009). Molecular and cellular control of the Nrf1 transcription factor: An integral membrane glycoprotein. Erschienen bei: VDM Verlag Publishing House Ltd, Germany in May 2009


      YIGUO ZHANG*, Akira Kobayashi, Masayuki Yamamoto, and John D. Hayes (2009). The Nrf3 transcription factor is a membrane-bound glycoprotein targeted to the endoplasmic reticulum through its N-terminal homology box 1 sequence. J. Biol. Chem284, 3195-3210


     YIGUO ZHANG*, John M. Lucocq, and John D. Hayes (2009) The Nrf1 CNC/bZIP protein is a nuclear envelope-bound transcription factor that is activated by tert-butyl hydroquinone but not by endoplasmic reticulum stressors. Biochem. J. 418, 293-310


     YIGUO ZHANG*, John M. Lucocq, Masayuki Yamamoto, and John D. Hayes. (2007) The N-terminal homology box 1 (NHB1) sequence in transcription factor Nrf1 is required to anchor it to the endoplasmic reticulum and also to enable its asparagine-glycosylation. Biochem. J. 408, 161-172


     YIGUO ZHANG*, Dorothy H. Crouch, Masayuki Yamamoto, and John D. Hayes. (2006) Negative regulation of the Nrf1 transcription factor by its N-terminal Domain is independent of Keap1: Nrf1, but not Nrf2, is targeted to the endoplasmic reticulum. Biochem. J399, 373-395


     Tatyana A. Zykova, Feng Zhu, YIGUO ZHANG, Ann M. Bode and Zigang Dong. (2007) Involvement of ERKs, RSK2 and PKR in UVA-induced signaling transduction toward phosphorylation of eIF2a. Carcinogenesis 28, 1543-1551


     Feng Zhu, Bu Young Choi, Wei-Ya Ma, Zhongliang Zhao, YIGUO ZHANG, Yong Yeon Cho, Hong Seok Choi, Akira Imamoto, Ann M. Bode and Zigang Dong. (2006) COOH-Terminal Src Kinase– Mediated c-Jun Phosphorylation Promotes c-Jun Degradation and Inhibits Cell Transformation. Cancer Research 66, 5729-5736


      Yong-Yeon Cho, Zhiwei He, YIGUO ZHANG, Hong Seok Choi, Feng Zhu, Bu Young Choi, Bong Seok Kang, Wei-Ya Ma, Ann M. Bode, and Zigang Dong. (2005) The p53 Protein Is a Novel Substrate of Ribosomal S6 Kinase 2 and a Critical Intermediary for Ribosomal S6 Kinase 2 and Histone H3 Interaction. Cancer Research 65, 3596-3603


     Tatyana A. Zykova, YIGUO ZHANG, Feng Zhu, Ann M. Bode, and Zigang Dong (2005). The signal transduction networks required for phosphorylation of STAT1 at Ser727 in mouse epidermal JB6 cells in the UVB response and inhibitory mechanisms of tea polyphenols. Carcinogenesis 26(2), 331-342


    YIGUO ZHANG, Yong Yeon Cho, Brandon L. Petersen, Feng Zhu, and Zigang Dong. (2004) Evidence of STAT1 phosphorylation modulated by MAPKs, MEK1 and MSK1. Carcinogenesis 25, 1165-1175


     YIGUO ZHANG, Yong-Yeon Cho, Brandon L.  Petersen, Ann M. Bode, Feng Zhu, and Zigang Dong. (2003). Ataxia telangiectasia mutated protein, MAPKs and RSK2 are involved in the phosphorylation of STAT3. J. Biol. Chem. 278, 12650-12659


      YIGUO ZHANG, Wei-Ya Ma, Akira Kaji, Ann M. Bode, and Zigang Dong (2002). Requirement of ATM in UVA-induced signaling and apoptosis. J. Biol. Chem. 277, 3124-3131


      YIGUO ZHANG, Guangming Liu, and Zigang Dong (2001). MSK1 and JNKs mediate phosphorylation of STAT3 in UVA-irradiated mouse epidermal JB6 cells. J. Biol. Chem. 276, 42534-42542


      YIGUO ZHANG, Ziming Dong, Masaaki Nomura, Shuping Zhong, Nanyue Chen, Ann M. Bode, and Zigang Dong (2001). Signal transduction pathways involved in phosphorylation and activation of p70S6K following exposure to UVA irradiation. J. Biol. Chem. 276, 20913-20923


      YIGUO ZHANG, Shuping Zhong, Ziming Dong, Nanyue Chen, Ann M. Bode, Wei-ya Ma and Zignag Dong (2001). UVA induces Ser381 phosphorylation of p90RSK/MAPKAP-K1 via ERK and JNK pathways. J. Biol. Chem. 276, 14572-14580


     YIGUO ZHANG,  Peter Mttjus, Patricia C. Schmid, Zimng Dong, Shuping Zhong, Wei-Ya Ma, Rhoderick E. Brown, Ann M. Bode, Harald H. O. Schmid, and Zigang Dong (2001). Involvement of the acid sphingomyelinase pathway in UVA-induced apoptosis. J. Biol. Chem276, 11775-11782

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